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Welcome to Brightlingsea Primary School Nursery

Our Vision

We aim for our Nursery classes to be a haven for their pupils. Adults will respond to children with warmth and interest and children will feel both cherished and challenged. We aim to provide a rich and relevant environment which, alongside our curriculum, will offer irresistible opportunities to explore and learn. As we join each child in their learning journey, we aim to develop their compassion, kindness and tolerance alongside resilience, responsibility and perseverance.

We will give the very best of ourselves to ensure that the children in our care become the very best that they can be.

Click on the individual 'Starfish' or 'Seahorse' tabs to see information about our curriculum and planning. 

Please watch the video below for a glimpse of life in our two nursery classes.... 

Nursery Information

If you would like to apply for a Nursery place, please click the link below

Application Autumn 2024-25

To find out what you need to know about starting nursery, please click the link below

Nursery Transition Book 

 Transition booklet September 2023 PDF version.pdfDownload
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