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E Safety

Talking about on-line safety with younger children, can be difficult.  The excellent 'Think U Know' website, have recently produced a series of animations called Jessie and Friends, to help families with this tricky area.  Please click on the link here to take you to the page.  There is some helpful advice here, together with the link to the animations themselves.


Think U Know: Jessie & Friends


Please click here for our Internet/E Safety Policy: Internet Safety Policy


 There is a wealth of really helpful information for parents about how to keep their children safe on-line through the following site: online safety

 "We accept that there are some really unsavoury apps run by companies which don’t seem to care about keeping children safe, and at the same time there are others with amazing ‘safety by design’ baked in, plus a commitment to keeping children safe. But the point is, this can change from one day to the next, and keeping up with it is virtually impossible, whereas talking to your child about having fun but staying safe online, plus showing an interest and discussing how to behave and react is altogether more realistic and productive in the long-term, and more likely to keep them safe when bad things happen on good apps."  The Two Johns.

The 'Two Johns', who came in to school during the Autumn term, frequently update the EST E Safety site with resources and information to help keep us informed.  There is a useful children's area and parent/carer area, which you will find helpful.  Please click on the link below:

EST E Safety

The NSPCC have a wealth of helpful resources for families, including this leaflet entitled 'SHARE AWARE', which suggests ways that you can help your children to stay safe in an online world.

Please click the link to open this useful leaflet.

Share Aware Leaflet

Please see below a number of other E Safety fact sheets and information:  this is a useful way of keeping up with this rapidly moving area.


 YouTube Safety Fact Sheet


Virgin Media provide a wide range of information realted to online safety including an online safety test:

Virgin Media Online Safety Test

The 2 Johns

The 2 Johns are a popular Essex duo who deliver online safety training for children and families.  They are retired police detectives who now deliver bespoke child exploitation training to professionals, parents and children. The 2 Johns kindly filmed some online safety videos which have proved popular.

The below is a short video in which they explain how to set up a safe TikTok account for children.

Every Family Matters - Let’s talk online safety with The 2 Johns

How to set up a safe TikTok account

Further to the alarming video circulating on a number of social media accounts recently,  the link below gives very helpful advice.

Safeguarding Alert

CEOP Reporting

CEOP helps any child or young person under the age of 18 who is being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity of any kind. This can be something that has taken place either online or in ‘the real world’, or both. The CEOP Safety Centre has clear information and advice on what can be reported to CEOP, the reporting process and what will happen if you do decide to make a report. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the Click CEOP button below.

If you are experiencing online bullying or something else online has worried you please speak to an adult you trust, or you can talk to Childline at any time on 0800 1111 or at


Setting safer profile settings

As a parent it is important to consider the settings your child is using when accessing a number of sites and apps.  The following link contains downloadable parental booklets to help you create suitable settings on apps such as Tik Tok, Roblox and Snapchat among others.  Well worth a look.

Social Media Checklists

It has recently been highlighted that although most of us are aware of issues around teens being coerced or tricked into getting undressed or revealing themselves online, there has been a lot less said about what to say to our youngest pupils and why.  Recent research tells us that as many as one in ten young children who video chat with people they haven't met, and up to one in twenty who livestream, have been challenged to undress or change online.  

Because of this we are being encouraged to share this simple message with young children.

Additionally watch this short video with a catchy song to remind children of how to stay safe by never undressing or changing their clothes when online.

LGFL 'Undressed' video